Sysdig Secure Account

You need a Sysdig Secure account with administration access to complete this workshop. During the next steps you’ll be required to retrieve and use some user data like:

  • Sysdig Secure API token
  • Sysdig Secure API endpoint
  • Agent Access key

During the workshop, you’ll get instructions to learn how to get them.

About Sysdig and AWS regions: For production, having your Sysdig Saas account in a region close to you AWS region is beneficial, but for this training you can select the region you want. Learn more about Sysdig Saas regions in the docs.

Getting a new account

In case you don’t have an account yet, follow the next steps:

  1. Sign-up for a free Sysdig trial here: . Select all of the options available.

    Get trial

  2. You will receive a confirmation email. Follow the link to log into Sysdig in a new tab.

  3. Set a password and submit it. Now the Sysdig onboarding Wizard will be presented.

    In the next step, you’ll setup an AWS Cloud9 engine as a workstation to complete this workshop.