
Should you wish to uninstall Sysdig Secure for cloud from your account, then follow the steps below.

Uninstalling Sysdig Secure for cloud is not part of this workshop (just when the workshop ends), so only follow the steps below if required to do so.

  1. Remove S3 buckets & versioned contents

    for BUCKET in $(aws s3 ls |grep cloudvision | awk '{print $3}') ; do
      aws s3 rm  --recursive s3://$BUCKET
      # Delete bucket versions      
      for VERSIONID in $(aws s3api list-object-versions --bucket $BUCKET --query Versions[].VersionId --output text) ; do
        MARKER=$(aws s3api list-object-versions --bucket $BUCKET --query 'Versions[?VersionId=='"'$VERSIONID'"'].Key' --output text)
        echo Deleting $MARKER $VERSIONID from $BUCKET
        aws s3api delete-object  --bucket $BUCKET --key $MARKER --version-id $VERSIONID
      # Now delete DeleteMarkers      
      for VERSIONID in $(aws s3api list-object-versions --bucket $BUCKET --query DeleteMarkers[].VersionId --output text) ; do
        MARKER=$(aws s3api list-object-versions --bucket $BUCKET --query 'DeleteMarkers[?VersionId=='"'$VERSIONID'"'].Key' --output text)
        echo Deleting $MARKER $VERSIONID from $BUCKET
        aws s3api delete-object  --bucket $BUCKET --key $MARKER --version-id $VERSIONID
      echo Deleting bucket $BUCKET
      aws s3api delete-bucket --bucket $BUCKET
  2. Remove Amazon Integration CloudFormation stack

    aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name Sysdig-CloudVision