
  • EKS cluster (deployed in the last step here) deployment completed.
  • Kubectl configured with access to the EKS cluster.
  • Helm.

Install the Sysdig Agent

The next steps will deploy the Sysdig Agent in all the nodes of the EKS deployed during the prerequisites step.

  1. Log into Sysdig Secure, and browse to Integrations > Data Sources > Sysdig Agents, then Connect a Kubernetes Cluster. Insert a cluster name of your choice (for example aws-workshop) and it will be inserted in the resulting command.

    Install with Helm

  2. The *Risk Spotlight In-Use fature is not deployed by default with generated command.

    Copy the following command to your IDE to and replace the placeholders <SYSDIG-TOKEN> (settings > Agent Access Keys), <SYSDIG-REGION> (us1, us2, us3, us4, eu1, or au1), <YOUR-CLUSTER-NAME> (chose a meaningful name).

    helm repo add sysdig
    helm repo update
    helm install sysdig-agent --namespace sysdig-agent --create-namespace \
        --set global.sysdig.accessKey=<SYSDIG-TOKEN> \
        --set global.sysdig.region=<SYSDIG-REGION> \
        --set \
        --set global.kspm.deploy=true \
        --set nodeAnalyzer.nodeAnalyzer.benchmarkRunner.deploy=false \
        --set<YOUR-CLUSTER-NAME> \
        --set nodeAnalyzer.nodeAnalyzer.runtimeScanner.settings.eveEnabled=true \
        --version 1.23.10 \
  3. Execute the resulting command in your terminal. The Sysdig Agents are being deployed now on each of the nodes of the cluster.

Sysdig Secure Policies

When the installation is complete, visit the Runtime Policies section and filter the list of policies by type: Kubernetes Audit. Then, enable the Sysdig K8s Activity Logs and Sysdig K8s Notable Events policies. These policies will alert about each and every K8s Audit Event in your EKS cluster.


After this, filter too by:

  • AWS CloudTrail and enable all the available policies.
  • Workload and enable all the available policies.

Create a new policy, select type Worload Policy. From the rule library, add the rule: Write below etc name it aws-workshop-test-policy, add a description foo and enable Captures.

Review installation


Check that the Agent installation was successful in the Integrations > Data Sources > Sysdig Agents section.


The EKS cluster will also be visible in the Managed Kubernetes section.


Alternatively, you can check the logs of the agent pod:

kubectl logs -l -n sysdig-agent --tail=-1 | grep "Sending scraper version" 

Admission Controller

Check that the Admission Controller installation was successful by generating an event that will be registered in the k8s API:

  1. Trigger some events with:

    kubectl exec -n sysdig-agent \
        $(kubectl -n sysdig-agent get pod -l app=sysdig-agent \
            --output=jsonpath={} \
        | cut --delimiter " " --fields 1) -c sysdig -- ls /bin/ > /dev/null
    kubectl run nginx --image nginx --privileged
  2. Then, visit the Events section and it will show up after you select the Info level.

    Event triggered

  3. Alternatively, check the admission-controller pod logs:

    kubectl logs -f -n sysdig-agent \
        -l \
        --tail=-1 --follow=false

    Every action against the K8s API Server will generate an entry in the logs (based on the configured logging level). You should see something like this:

    {"level":"info","component":"console-notifier","time":"2022-12-15T15:20:11Z","message":"Pod started with privileged container (user=kubernetes-admin pod=222nginx111 ns=default images=nginx)"}