Push and Scan images on ECR

Download Example Dockerfile and Sources

Now that our automated scanner is in place, it will trigger full registry scans every so often.

  1. Lets trigger a manual scan (we don’t want to wait until the cron job triggers the next scan). Launch a job instance using kubectl.
kubectl create job --from=cronjob/registry-scanner registry-scanner-manual

The job should create a pod in the default namespace to retrieve the list of images and scan them one by one. Logs from the pod can be checked to see if everything went fine.

kubectl get po  

Take note of the pod name, it shoul dbe something like registry-scanner-manual-string. Retrieve pod logs with the appropriate pod name.

kubectl logs registry-scanner-manual-lncqq   

See Scan Results on Sysdig Secure Dashboard

To see the scan results on Sysdig Secure Dashboard,

  1. Log into the Sysdig Secure UI, and browse to Vulnerabilities > Registry:

    Sysdig Secure

  2. Click your new aws-workshop image.

    You’ll see the image have several major vulnerabilities.

    Sysdig Secure

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