The new Actionable Compliance views have been recently released. This workshop includes a preview of all the different remediation workflows and Compliance benchmarks and frameworks available today. Contact your Sysdig representative for a full overview of its capabilities.

Module 3: Posture

About this module

In this module, you will learn about Security Posture for Compliance in Kubernetes and Cloud and Identity and Acecss management.

You will use Sysdig Secure to get an overview of your Cloud security posture and will take action to remediate a couple of detected issues.

Intro to posture

Security Posture is a wide term used to describe what’s the security status of key assets of a company: workloads, cloud resources, permissions, etc.

Most of the tools available provides a set of controls to check, but no actions or remediation steps to fix the issue. Sysdig Secure Actionable Compliance is able to detect posture issues and remediate them immediately for cloud and Kubernetes.

Adding to this, Sysdig Compliance includes the next set of features:

  • No event-based. There’s no need for a security incident to happen to fetch the data. Relevant APIs are fetched periodically to retrieve the latest data to evaluate your security posture status.
  • Sysdig AC persists the resources in its backend, and fetch it at regular intervals. This means that there’s no need to reevaluate the compliance status of a given resource when there are changes in a benchmark.

Runtime Insights to Prioritize What Matters

Sysdig Secure leverages its deep visibility at Runtime to flag and prioritize the most important risks exposed in your organization. In the previous section, you learned how the runtime information from the Sysdig Agents is used to prioritize vulnerabilities.

We also apply in-use filters to identify risk across your attack surfaces of configuration controls and permissions and provide you with practical prioritization recommendations.


The Sysdig Docs provides a glossary of relevant terminology to Actionable Compliance terms that is recommended to review before continuing.