Threat 1: Exploit vulnerability

Attack scenario 1: Vulnerable workload being exploited

Exploit events


A micro-services application requires several containers. One of them has an extremely dangerous zero-day vulnerability that no scanner on the market could detect. A hacker identifies the vulnerable image and start exploiting it, exfiltrating information, and writting and executing bad stuff.


Security Playground acts as a vulnerable workload (it is a dumb application created by Sysdig for testing purposes), exposing some intentional backdoors that can trigger read/write operations.


The script static/code/offensive/ will release the ‘attack’ through the EKS Load Balancer, injecting commands to be executed by the container.


Browse to Insights > Kubernetes Activity to see how the events were captured. Click on the “playground” bubble to see more details about its events in the summary colum. Detect playground exploit

Click on the Events column on the top right side and expand one of the events to see it in context. Detect playground exploit

An alternative way to explore events is browsing to Events > Events Feed, extending a group of events and then one of the events. Detect playground exploit

There are two interesting actions we can perform in order to improve our insight on what is happening: Attack Path, Audit Logs, Forensic analysis of captures.

a) Investigate Attack path (Attack path button) to get events, vulnerabilities and misconfigurations in context. Detect playground exploit

b) View Audit logs (Respond > View Audit logs) showing what happened within the container at that time. Detect playground exploit

c) Forensic analysis using Sysdig captures This option will be reviewed in the next scenarios.