Install the Orchestrator

In this step you’ll be installing the Orchestrator Agent with CloudFormation.

This component is a collection point installed on each ECS cluster, and has two main functions. First, it collects data from the Sysdig Serverless Workload Agent, and sends them to the Sysdig backend. Second, it syncs the Falco runtime policies and rules to Sysdig Serverless Workload Agent from the Sysdig backend.

For this step, you will need some information from your Sysdig account. Visit the Get Started section in Sysdig Secure and from the Install the Agent tab copy them.:

  • your Agent Access Key: Something like: d5ef7776-92eb-d0c2-4174-0727fc0981f3.
  • and your Collector address. Something like:

And now, follow the next steps:

  1. A Sysdig orchestrator Agent CloudFormation blueprint is provided in the assets file below and in the course assets that you downloaded for this module.

  2. Go to CloudFormation Create Stack form. Or go to CloudFormation in your AWS Console and click on Create Stack.

  3. Select Create template in Designer and click Create template in designer. From here, switch to the Template tab (bottom of the Dashboard) and copy the orchestrator agent template replacing all the existing content.

  4. Click on Create Stack (cloud icon with an up arrow inside). Then, you will need to:

    Create Stack

    • Click on Next to the Specify stack details

    • Set a Name (for example, <my_identifier>-agentone)

    • Set Access Key and Collector with the value retrieved from your Sysdig account

    • Select the VPC and subnets where your tasks are running or will be running.

      It is important to use the VPC and subnets that you created for this module. Please, do not use the existing ones for the previous EKS Module. They are identified by: <your_identifier>-fargate-{vpc|subnet}

    • Click Next until you get to the Review step

    • Scroll down to the bottom

    • Check the required boxes to continue.

    • And click on Create Stack.

    This action takes less than 10 minutes to be completed. Do not close this tab yet. Once that the stack creation is completed, go to Output and copy this two values:

    • OrchestratorHost
    • OrchestratorPort

    This data will be required in the next step. While this is being prepared, you can preview a usage example of the tool:

    Example of the values in Output tab:


Sysdig orchestrator Agent yaml

Just copy and paste this definition into the CloudFormation Template designer as explained above.

  1AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
  2Description: Sysdig AWS support
  4  AWS::CloudFormation::Interface:
  5    ParameterGroups:
  6    - Label:
  7        default: Sysdig Settings
  8      Parameters:
  9      - SysdigAccessKey
 10      - SysdigCollectorHost
 11      - SysdigCollectorPort
 12    - Label:
 13        default: Network Settings
 14      Parameters:
 15      - VPC
 16      - SubnetA
 17      - SubnetB
 18    - Label:
 19        default: Advanced Settings
 20      Parameters:
 21      - SysdigAgentTags
 22      - SysdigOrchestratorAgentImage
 23      - SysdigCheckCollectorCertificate
 24    ParameterLabels:
 25      VPC:
 26        default: VPC Id
 27      SubnetA:
 28        default: Subnet A
 29      SubnetB:
 30        default: Subnet B
 31      SysdigAccessKey:
 32        default: Sysdig Access Key
 33      SysdigCollectorHost:
 34        default: Sysdig Collector Host
 35      SysdigCollectorPort:
 36        default: Sysdig Collector Port
 37      SysdigAgentTags:
 38        default: Agent Tags
 39      SysdigOrchestratorAgentImage:
 40        default: Sysdig Orchestrator Agent Image
 41      SysdigCheckCollectorCertificate:
 42        default: Check Collector SSL Certificate
 45  VPC:
 46    Type: AWS::EC2::VPC::Id
 47    Description: VPC where your service is deployed
 48  SubnetA:
 49    Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id
 50    Description: A subnet that can access internet and is reachable by instrumented services
 51  SubnetB:
 52    Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id
 53    Description: A subnet that can access internet and is reachable by instrumented services
 54  SysdigAccessKey:
 55    Type: String
 56  SysdigOrchestratorAgentImage:
 57    Type: String
 58    Default:
 59  SysdigCollectorHost:
 60    Type: String
 61    Default:
 62  SysdigCollectorPort:
 63    Type: String
 64    Default: "6443"
 65  SysdigAgentTags:
 66    Type: String
 67    Description: Enter a comma-separated list of tags (eg. role:webserver,location:europe).
 68    Default: ""
 69  SysdigCheckCollectorCertificate:
 70    Type: String
 71    Default: "true"
 74  OrchestratorHost:
 75    Description: Host to which fargate workload agents need to connect
 76    Value: !GetAtt SysdigLoadBalancer.DNSName
 77  OrchestratorPort:
 78    Description: The port the fargate workload agent needs to connect to
 79    Value: "6667"
 82  SysdigAgentCluster:
 83    Type: AWS::ECS::Cluster
 84    Properties:
 85      Tags:
 86        - Key: application
 87          Value: sysdig
 89  SysdigOrchestratorAgentLogs:
 90    Type: AWS::Logs::LogGroup
 92  SysdigOrchestratorAgentExecutionRole:
 93    Type: AWS::IAM::Role
 94    Properties:
 95      AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
 96        Statement:
 97          - Effect: Allow
 98            Principal:
 99              Service:
100            Action: 'sts:AssumeRole'
101      ManagedPolicyArns:
102        - 'arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonECSTaskExecutionRolePolicy'
103      Tags:
104        - Key: application
105          Value: sysdig
106  SysdigOrchestratorAgentTaskRole:
107    Type: AWS::IAM::Role
108    Properties:
109      AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
110        Statement:
111          - Effect: Allow
112            Principal:
113              Service:
114            Action: 'sts:AssumeRole'
115      # ManagedPolicyArns:
116      #   -
117      Policies:
118        - PolicyName: root
119          PolicyDocument:
120            Version: 2012-10-17
121            Statement:
122                # Permissions given in the default iam role for ecs tasks
123              - Effect: Allow
124                Action:
125                  - "ecr:GetAuthorizationToken"
126                  - "ecr:BatchCheckLayerAvailability"
127                  - "ecr:GetDownloadUrlForLayer"
128                  - "ecr:BatchGetImage"
129                  - "logs:CreateLogGroup"
130                  - "logs:CreateLogStream"
131                  - "logs:PutLogEvents"
132                Resource: "*"
133      Tags:
134        - Key: application
135          Value: sysdig
136  SysdigOrchestratorAgentSecurityGroup:
137    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
138    Properties:
139      GroupDescription: Allow agentino to connect
140      VpcId: !Ref VPC
141      SecurityGroupIngress:
142        - IpProtocol: tcp
143          FromPort: 6667
144          ToPort: 6667
145          CidrIp:
146      Tags:
147        - Key: application
148          Value: sysdig
149  SysdigOrchestratorAgent:
150    Type: AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition
151    DependsOn: SysdigOrchestratorAgentLogs
152    Properties:
153      NetworkMode: awsvpc
154      RequiresCompatibilities:
155        - FARGATE
156      Cpu: 2048
157      Memory: 8GB
158      ExecutionRoleArn: !Ref SysdigOrchestratorAgentExecutionRole
159      TaskRoleArn: !Ref SysdigOrchestratorAgentTaskRole
160      ContainerDefinitions:
161        - Name: OrchestratorAgent
162          Image: !Ref SysdigOrchestratorAgentImage
163          Environment:
164            - Name: ACCESS_KEY
165              Value: !Ref SysdigAccessKey
166            - Name: COLLECTOR
167              Value: !Ref SysdigCollectorHost
168            - Name: COLLECTOR_PORT
169              Value: !Ref SysdigCollectorPort
170            - Name: TAGS
171              Value: !Ref SysdigAgentTags
172            - Name: CHECK_CERTIFICATE
173              Value: !Ref SysdigCheckCollectorCertificate
174          PortMappings:
175            - ContainerPort: 6667
176          LogConfiguration:
177            LogDriver: awslogs
178            Options:
179              awslogs-region: !Ref AWS::Region
180              awslogs-group: !Ref SysdigOrchestratorAgentLogs
181              awslogs-stream-prefix: ecs
182      Tags:
183        - Key: application
184          Value: sysdig
186  SysdigLoadBalancer:
187    Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer
188    Properties:
189      IpAddressType: ipv4
190      Scheme: internal
191      Type: network
192      Subnets:
193        - !Ref SubnetA
194        - !Ref SubnetB
195      Tags:
196        - Key: application
197          Value: sysdig
199  SysdigTargetGroup:
200    Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup
201    Properties:
202      Port: 6667
203      Protocol: TCP
204      TargetType: ip
205      TargetGroupAttributes:
206        - Key: deregistration_delay.timeout_seconds
207          Value: 60 # default is 300
208      VpcId: !Ref VPC
210  SysdigLoadBalancerListener:
211    Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener
212    Properties:
213      DefaultActions:
214        - TargetGroupArn: !Ref SysdigTargetGroup
215          Type: forward
216      LoadBalancerArn: !Ref SysdigLoadBalancer
217      Port: 6667
218      Protocol: TCP
220  SysdigOrchestratorAgentService:
221    Type: AWS::ECS::Service
222    DependsOn:
223      - SysdigLoadBalancerListener
224    Properties:
225      ServiceName: SysdigOrchestratorAgent
226      Cluster: !Ref SysdigAgentCluster
227      TaskDefinition: !Ref SysdigOrchestratorAgent
228      DeploymentConfiguration:
229        MinimumHealthyPercent: 100
230        MaximumPercent: 200
231      DesiredCount: 1
232      LaunchType: FARGATE
233      PlatformVersion: 1.4.0
234      NetworkConfiguration:
235        AwsvpcConfiguration:
236          AssignPublicIp: ENABLED
237          Subnets:
238            - !Ref SubnetA
239            - !Ref SubnetB
240          SecurityGroups:
241            - !Ref SysdigOrchestratorAgentSecurityGroup
242      LoadBalancers:
243        - ContainerName: OrchestratorAgent
244          ContainerPort: 6667
245          TargetGroupArn: !Ref SysdigTargetGroup
246      Tags:
247        - Key: application
248          Value: sysdig